Spas in Slovakia

Spa for cardiovascular diseases, Rimavská Sobota

Accommodation Rimavská Sobota
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List of health spas Rimavská Sobota

Find Spas in the surrounding area of Rimavská Sobota:

Distance: 28.54kmNatural iodine Spa ČÍŽ Číž

Natural iodine Spa ČÍŽ

Číž (region: Gemer, District: Rimavská Sobota)

Natural iodine Spa Ciz, lying to the south of central Slovakia, in district of Rimavská Sobota, is the gem of the Gemer Region. Smallish spa resort is unique for its natural healing iodine-bromine water. The area, consisting of a complex of bath houses, is situated in well maintained park that is ideal for walks and rest. Spa in the village Číž provides an environment for a pleasant rest and peaceful atmosphere, which contributes to physical and mental relaxation. The spa treats diseases...