Accommodation in Slovakia

Holiday accommodation Liptovská Mara reservoir (Liptovská Mara)

Packages Liptovská Mara reservoir (Liptovská Mara)
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Liptovská Mara reservoir Map


List of holiday accommodations on Liptovská Mara and surroundings , Slovakia

Villa ANDREA Bodice


Bodice (area: Jasná - Chopok, region: Liptov, District: Liptovský Mikuláš) Private accommodations

Fridge in the room, kitchen at your disposal, for families with children, restaurant nearby, thermal bath/aquapark, closed parking, wc / bathroom in room, wellness nearby, wifi. Closed parking, in the center of town/village, public transport stop, kitchen at disposal, summer terrace, non smoking area, for families with children, barbecue/outdoor fireplace, wifi, fridge, non-smoking rooms, television, tv/sat, wc / bathroom in room, wifi in room, the fridge...

in the center of town/village

fridge in the roomkitchen at your disposalfor families with childrenrestaurant nearby thermal bath/aquaparkclosed parkingwc / bathroom in roomwellness  nearbywifi
Price from: 9.00 € pers/night
Number of beds: 12+4

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